Peace of Mind, Better Access to Care, True Confidentiality.

Why private Pay?

“Life is not the way it is supposed to be.  It is the way it is.  The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.”  Virginia Satir

Member Texas Counseling Association 

Texas Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors 

American Counseling Association 

Therapists Connection formerly   former President

San Gabriel Therapists former Director

About Psychotherapy

Fees: Initial Assessment $165.00, Individual $120, Couple or Family $175  Sliding fees are available on a case by case basis.  Sessions are 55 minutes.  

Feel Like Yourself Again... or Better!

Psychotherapy, counseling, therapy, coaching what's the difference?  The License.  In the state of Texas you must be licensed to practice psychotherapy or counseling.  Coaching is a certification.   I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Approved Supervisor.  I am also trained in Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Facilitation, EMDR, Mindfulness, CBT & hypnosis.

I utilize a variety of approaches from traditional talk therapy (CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to hypnosis, EMDR, Mindfulness etc.  Mostly I am a real person with real world approaches to helping you make the most of your life.  The most important technique is the one that works for you.  

What's going on in your life that prompted you to look me up?  Life Change, Relationship Conflict, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, ADHD? I'll help you look at your whole life.  Your lifestyle, attitudes, what's working and what's not.  No judgement just objective support, help and at times a dark sense of humor.  Don't just get through your life, really live it!

Should I use my insurance?  It's up to you.  

Changing healthcare policy has led me to move my practice away from managed care insurance based to private pay. When you use your health insurance you must have a qualifying mental health diagnosis reported to your insurance company for them to cover your sessions.  It becomes part of your medical record.  The insurance company determines how often you can come in, how long your sessions can be and how many times you can see me.  Your information sits in an electronic health record in a cloud.  I keep old fashioned records in a chart in a locked filing cabinet.  Your medical record  may effect your ability to get a security clearance for future employment or get life insurance.   Not to mention your most intimate information is out there.  If you would like to use your insurance I am still accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO & United Healthcare PPO and Aetna PPO.  For other carriers I can provide you with a form a "Superbill" to submit to your carrier for reimbursement or to go towards your deductible.